For most couples, marriage represents a relationship that has many highlights and a few difficult periods. Sometimes, though, the challenging moments linger longer than they should and could indicate a danger of a divorce.
Awareness of specific signs of marital problems can help spouses make corrections or decide to end an irreconcilable union.
Warning signs
The online site Fatherly states that no two marriages end in the same way, but that many troubled marriages illustrate some common warning signs. Certain patterns of behaviors between spouses—frequent criticisms, a betrayal of trust, poor communication—often lead to a divorce. Long periods of silence, for example, can herald a breakup. In some cases, it means that one partner has already checked out emotionally from the marriage.
On the other end of the spectrum, frequent fights, especially where the spouses speak to each other with contempt, can doom a marriage. Other common signs of a marriage on the brink include the following behaviors:
- An addiction to online porn or virtual relationships
- A wandering eye when it comes to starting up a new relationship
- A refusal to consider counseling
- A defensive feeling with the spouse
Possible solutions
While some marriages will fail either sooner or later, it is possible in certain situations to take positive action. Counseling and couples therapy help thousands of couples every year build better relationships. Awareness of relationship problems and a willingness to make changes also rescue some troubled marriages. The fear of a divorce often motivates people to try and do better.
A divorce, just like a marriage, is a pivotal moment in a person’s life. Careful consideration of the situation can bring clarity to a difficult decision.