Even though your marriage is clearly heading for an inevitable divorce, neither you nor your soon-to-be ex-spouse is ready to move out of the home you share. If the two of you are civil, living together until your divorce concludes might not be a bad idea. This is...
Let The Law Work For You
Month: February 2023
Can a rear-end accident cause paralysis?
Rear-end collisions are very common, though many are little more than minor bumper taps. If a large truck or fast-moving vehicle crashes into your car with great force, however, the damage dealt to you and your passengers can be truly severe. It is important to be...
Watch for delayed injuries after a car accident
Most of the cars, trucks and SUVs on the road today are full of impressive safety features. Yet, car accidents remain one of the more common causes of serious injury in the U.S. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, doctors evaluate and treat roughly 4.8...