Sometimes a child custody arrangement that parents had at the end of the divorce is no longer workable or one parent needs to seek a child support modification following their divorce. The family law process provides tools to help divorcing couples seeking...
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Child Custody And Visitation
Modifying a child custody agreement in Maryland
There are many issues that need to be dealt with when a couple decides to divorce, but determining child custody and support is often one of the most difficult issues to deal with. When dealing with child custody issues, these are the most common topics that need to...
Making the most of supervised visitations with your children
If you're a parent who is allowed only supervised visitation with your children by the court, it's normal to feel some resentment toward your co-parent, the judge, social workers and the system as a whole. However, whatever the reason that your visits must be...
Birdnesting: A rotating parental custody schedule
For parents, figuring out a child custody schedule can be difficult. When do the children live with you after the divorce? When do they live with your ex? How do you make the transfer of custody? Is it possible to fit this complex schedule into your own busy lives?You...
Will “virtual visitation” be a part of your child custody plan?
Our readers in Maryland who are going through a child custody dispute in the family law courts understand how important this issue can be to the overall good of the children and the parents involved.In many cases, both parents want what is right for the child in...
How do you know who will get custody of the child?
Child custody issues can be some of the most heart-wrenching disputes in family law courts in Maryland. Whether the couple is married and going through a divorce, or if they were never married to begin with, sometimes in these types of disputes it can be easy to lose...
How do Maryland courts address child custody issues?
Not every marriage in Maryland is meant to last. When parents in Maryland decide to divorce, one of their primary concerns may be child custody and visitation. Maryland courts have a process that is followed when it comes to making child custody decisions. It is...
What do you need to know about child custody in Maryland?
One of the primary divorce legal issues that must be resolved when parents in Maryland decide to end their marriage is child custody. It is important to understand what child custody and visitation looks like in Maryland. This is true whether parents are negotiating a...