When going through divorce, it is important to know what your options are. Mediation, for example, is a popular alternative to traditional litigation. Within mediation strategies, a mediator will usually play a crucial role. But what exactly is it that they do? A...
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Firm News
How do you help your child adjust to living in two households?
Divorcing parents may need help to move on with their lives, and their shared children may need help with moving back and forth between two households. Helping kids get comfortable eases their transition and makes co-parents' lives easier. Insights from Parents may...
What are some ways to protect my money in a divorce?
A divorce can have some negative financial implications. You must take one household and split it into two, which can be tough. You and your spouse may have to split everything equally or close to equally, which can greatly reduce your net worth. However, there are...
Should I try for sole custody of my children?
If you have children with your ex-spouse, the prospect of continuing to have to parent with them after your divorce may not seem very enticing. It is for this reason that many people wonder if they should attempt to get sole custody of their children. However, in the...
Modifying your child support order due to a decrease in income
When a court establishes a child support order, it is based on the income of both parents at that time. You may reach a point in your life, however, where your income decreases for a variety of reasons. What was once a reasonable amount of child support may become a...
What is your plan for returning home after a brain injury?
Your recent personal injury resulted in a brain injury, and you feel ready to return to your Maryland home after recovering in the hospital. How prepared do you feel for the transition? Brain Injury Association of America offers tips to help you set up your home. Make...
Wrongful death legal protections for fatal accidents
Sometimes a car accident results in a tragic fatality and surviving family members may be left coping with an unexpected loss and the challenges that accompany it. Wrongful death legal resources are available to help support and protect family members who have...
Factors used to determine alimony in Maryland
During a marriage in Maryland couples earn various amounts of money and different lifestyles. How they earn the money to live the lifestyle they may become accustomed to also varies. One spouse may earn the majority of the money while the other stays home with the...